Dr. Shinichiro Fuse
Nagoya University
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Basic Medicinal Sciences
Laboratory of Process Chemistry
Fields of research: synthetic organic chemistry, micro-flow synthesis, automated synthesis
Nagoya University Researcher’s Voice
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
TEL: +81-52-747-6927
FAX: +81-52-747-6928
Curriculum Vitae
2000. 3. B.S., Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
2005. 3. Ph.D., Graduate School of Science and Engineering,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
(Supervisor: Prof. Takashi Takahashi)
2005. 4. Researcher, ChemGenesis Incorporated
2006. 5. Post-doctral fellow, Department of Chemistry and
Chemical Biology, Harvard University
(with Prof. Daniel E. Kahne)
2008. 3. Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Science and
Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
2015. 2. Associate Professor, Chemical Resources Laboratory,
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
2016. 4. Associate Professor, Laboratory for Chemistry and Life
2019. 11. Professor, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Nagoya University
2021 The Award of Ohsumi Life Science Research Society for
Young Scientist
2017 Asian Core Program/Advance Research Network
Lectureship Award
2017 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award
2016 Incentive Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
2010 Tokyo Tech Young Investigator Engineering Award.
2010 3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress2010 European Young
Chemist Award Finalist
2008 (Nissan Chemical Industries, LTD.) Award in Synthetic
Organic Chemistry, Japan
2006 Young Scientist’s Research Award in Natural Product Chemistry
2005 86th Symposium on Organic Synthesis, JAPAN, Poster Award
Selected Publications
Peptide cyclization by the use of acylammonium species
O. Shamoto, K. Komuro, N. Sugisawa, T-H. Chen, H. Nakamura, S. Fuse,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 62, (27), e202300647, (2023).
Rapid and column-chromatography-free peptide chain elongation via a
one-flow, three-component coupling approach
N. Sugisawa, A. Ando, S. Fuse,
Chem. Sci. 14, (25), 6986-6991 (2023).
N-Methylated peptide synthesis via acyl N-methylimidazolium cation
generation accelerated by a Brønsted acid
Y. Otake, Y. Shibata, Y. Hayashi, S. Kawauchi, H. Nakamura, and S. Fuse,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59, (31), 12925-12930 (2020).
Rapid and mild synthesis of amino acid N-carboxy anhydrides using basic-to-acidic flash switching in a micro-flow reactor,
Y. Otake, H. Nakamura, and S. Fuse,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, (35), 11389-11393 (2018).
Total synthesis of feglymycin based on a linear/convergent hybrid approach using micro-flow amide bond formation,
S. Fuse, Y. Mifune, H. Nakamura, and H. Tanaka,
Nat. Commun. 7, 13491 (2016).
An efficient amide bond formation through the rapid and strong activation of carboxylic acids in a micro-flow reactor,
S. Fuse, Y. Mifune, and T. Takahashi
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, (3), 851-855 (2014).
Web of Science